Friday, February 15, 2008

Week #107: Update

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." ~ Henry Ford

That is if your plane actually takes off. As it is, our plane was canceled due to bad weather. I think yesterday was the windiest/rainy day that I've experienced here in Newfoundland since we moved here over 2 1/2 years ago......which is saying a lot. St. John's, Newfoundland has the highest average wind speed of any city in Canada @ 24.3 km/h (Environment Canada), and it's not unusual in the fall/winter to have gusts over +60 km/h 3-7 days a week.

The earliest we could rebook our flight was for Saturday morning so our entire trip had to be rearranged. We're now staying in Ottawa from Saturday until Tuesday night, and were catching a flight directly home from Ottawa. I was really bummed about not being able to see my family on this trip....but we managed to get a credit from WestJet, which we'll use ASAP to visit our families in the Toronto area.

There are a few upsides to this change in schedule:
1. The flight to Ottawa and back is a direct flight, which makes it shorter.
2. We're only gone for 4 days which makes it easier to maintain my routine.
3. We're gaining an extra day in Ottawa to sight see.
4. Sherri only has to use up 1 vacation day as Monday is a holiday in Ontario.

So I'm looking forward to leaving tomorrow......only not forward to waking up @ 4:30am to make the 6:30am flight.




Blogger Kim Ayres said...

Hope the trip is a good one.

I found your post on saccharin an interesting one. Somehow it doesn't surprise me as much as it should

1:26 p.m.  

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