Late Night Snacking.
"When you see the golden arches, you are probably on your way to the pearly gates." ~ William Castelli, M.D.

The advice: Shut the kitchen down after 7 p.m to prevent weight gain.I quite often have a snack around 8pm..... and I've even been known to have a snack as late as 11pm. My philosophy is never go to bed hungry. That said, I usually try to avoid anything heavy, and I keep my portion size on the small side.
Why it's useless: After a long day at the office and a trip to the gym, you either eat dinner at 9:30 or starve.
The real deal: The no-food-right-before-bed rule was meant for the nighttime nosher who mindlessly wolfs down a bag of Oreos while watching CSI: Miami. If you get home long after dark, a late dinner is perfectly fine. A calorie is a calorie, no matter what time you eat it, according to Katie Clark, R.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of family health care nursing at the University of California, San Francisco. But do keep your evening meal light--along the lines of a chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and brown rice. Too much chow will keep you up at night: To break down all that food, your gut has to churn like a cement truck.
~ Women's Health Magazine

Labels: Nutrition
Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper - or something like that, is my understanding of an ideal way to eat. We should be getting our maximum calorie intake in the morning - "breaking our fast" and setting ourselves up for the day.
Of course, lifestyles dictate we tend to do it the other way round.
However, eating heavily in the evening isn't the best way digesting your food or helping your sleeping patterns. A calorie might be a calorie, but a digestion system changes what you extract from that calorie in terms of absorbtion of nutritions and the function of your body.
I will have an oatcake with a smearing of peanut butter in the mid evening, but that's as far as I go with evening eating
Well put Kim. I actually took a course while I was away in Fort McMurray called "Shifting to Wellness". It was designed to help people cope with the demands of shift work. One of the things we discussed was how much your digestive system slows down at night and the types of foods you should and shouldn't consume on the night shift.
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