Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Day #46

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." ~ C. S. Lewis

I had a great day today. Completed the physio for my knee, walked at a brisk pace for 30mins at the local mall, ate 3 healthy meals & 3 healthy snacks. I'm also sipping my 8th glass of water while I'm typing this.

I've noticed quite a big difference in my energy level over the last few weeks. Its quite amazing how much of a difference a few weeks can make. I'm also feeling a lot more cheerful and light footed.

I bought a new book yesterday: "Free Your Breath, Free Your Life" by Dennis Lewis. This book is about "how conscious breathing can relieve stress, increase vitality, and help you live more fully.

As an emotional eater stress has always been a trigger for me. One of my personal goals is to 'research & start practicing meditation/relaxation techniques'. Hopefully this book will start me off in the right direction.

I'll have to wait a few days before I start since I already have a few books on the go. I hope to write a review once I have it completed.




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